Just a quick note for my legions of readers to explain my lack of updates over the past few weeks – while I was in Minneapolis for Fallcon (which was very fun, and more on that shortly), I received an invitation to do something very cool and somewhat surprising.  I had pretty much written off the likelihood of this thing happening, since I put myself in the running to do it more than a year and a half ago.

Anyway, this thing will be happening on November 11, and I had roughly 30 days to prepare for it.  Since I got the call, I’ve just been doing everything I possibly can to ensure that 11/11 goes as well as it possibly can.  That’s required 4-10 hours of work per day, in addition to all of my other obligations.  I feel pretty good about it today, two weeks out, although there’s still a lot to be done.

If I need a break between now and then, I’ll post on the cons I’ve been to since the last post – SPX and Fallcon, and I’ll hopefully be able to write about KingCon, which is happening here in Brooklyn on November 7-8 at the Brooklyn Lyceum.  It’s the first year for the con, and I think everyone involved is pretty excited about it.

More when I feel like I can – I’m off for a run now, which should help clear my head a bit.